How To Beat a Radar Ticket

  • Avoid Insurance Rate Increases and Save Hundreds or Thousands of Dollars a Year
  • Avoid Negative “Points” On Your Driving Record
  • Avoid Driver License Suspension
  • Avoid Paying Hundreds Of Dollars For Your Ticket

This book is a STEP–BY-STEP “How To” book, written to provide the lay person an equal EDUCATED opportunity to question the ticket issuing officer and win their radar speeding ticket.

About The BookAbout The Author

About The Author

Former Law Enforcement Officer

‘Radar Ticket Expert’

John Rodriguez is a 10 year former Law Enforcement Officer, who was assigned to the Department’s Traffic Division for 6 years.

While assigned to the traffic division, he attended several traffic related classes and became a certified expert in those areas. One of his expert certifications includes the use and understanding of law enforcement radar. During his tenure in the traffic division, he issued thousands of radar enforced traffic citations and while testifying in court for those speeding tickets, he only lost 1 case.


How To Beat a Radar Ticket

Where to Buy The Book


John provides a Step-by-Step how to approach in his book. By the 4th step, the officer could not provide an answer to the question, resulting in a NOT GUILTY! I strongly recommend this book!

Mona B., Iowa

I was intimidated by the court system and hesitant to fight my ticket. After reading this book and seeing how simple it is, I was ready for court in just a couple hours. I BEAT MY TICKET. Thanks John!

Victoria K., Minnesota

While driving with my family, I was pulled over for speeding. I knew I was innocent, as the officer pulled over the wrong car. I bought this book and it was very easy to prepare for court. The officer could not answer my questions in court, and after the 3rd “I Don’t Know” response from the officer, the judge dismissed my case!

Gilbert M., California

Receive Two FREE Questions to Ask in Court


Most people have never been in a criminal or traffic court proceeding and do not know what to expect during the courtroom process. This book familiarizes you with the process and eases any anxiety. To be convicted of your alleged speeding violation, the officer must prove BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT you were the one speeding. This book raises those doubts by the judge and significantly increases the likelihood of you BEATING YOUR RADAR TICKET.

How does radar work?

Radar is based on the Doppler principle, theorizing that relative motion between two objects, one of which is transmitting wave energy, the frequency of the signal received by the other object changes due to that relative motion. The easiest way to describe this theory is to listen to an approaching train while it is blowing its horn. As the train approaches, its horn gets louder, and the pitch of the horn increases. When the train passes, the horn gets softer and the pitch gets lower.

How will this book significantly increase my chances of BEATING MY RADAR TICKET?

This book provides a detailed “Step-by-Step” question and answer format designed to force the officer to remember technical answers regarding their radar unit and overall radar use. These questions are designed to compel the officer to demonstrate his expertise in the use of radar. All you have to do is raise a REASONABLE DOUBT in the judge’s mind that the officer falsely issued your ticket. By not being able to correctly answer your questions, that REASONABLE DOUBT has been raised.

Why is your book better than others?

This book was written by a former law enforcement officer, with 6 years experience in traffic enforcement. During those 6 years, I issued thousands of speeding tickets and testified in court for motorists contesting their ticket. Only one motorist in all those thousands won their case. The reason the others lost was because they were not properly prepared for court. They did not know what questions to ask and the correct answers. The information contained in the book was written by a real law enforcement officer with the knowledge and information NOT readily available to the public.

The information contained in this book forces the officer to recall specific knowledge and training as it relates to radar use and human factors while operating the radar unit. The officer will be required to provide answers and recall mathematical formulas to prove their mastery of the use of radar and to provide evidence that you were the one speeding.

What type of questions will I be asking of the officer?

These “Step-by-Step” questions start by asking for the officer’s training and background. After establishing the officer is certified to use radar, the questions only get TOUGHER for the officer.  During your cross examination of the officer, he / she will be asked about generalities of how radar works to more specific, detailed questions regarding mathematical formulas and principles. (Don’t worry; you will have ALL the answers!) The officer will be asked to apply those formulas to his / or specific radar unit. You will document all the wrong answers and during your closing statement, you will provide the judge with those wrong answers, raising REASONABLE DOUBT that you were speeding.